Breastfeeding Journey

SB 142: Lactation accommodations California Nursing Mothers NursElet Community

Rupal Asodaria

SB 142: Lactation accommodations California Nursing Mothers NursElet Community

While California has had a law requiring employers to provide breaks for nursing mothers, many were forced to express breast milk in a bathroom stall or office closet. This new law requires companies to provide appropriate lactation accommodations that is close to the employee's work area, has electrical plugs and is free of intrusion. NursElet Community.

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Tips for storing breastmilk

Rupal Asodaria

Tips for storing breastmilk

Tips for storing breastmilk. Frozen, room temperature or thawed on NursElet Breastfeeding blog.

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The most natural way to make your skin glow with your breastfeeding. Breask Milk Mask Receipe - NursElet

Rupal Asodaria

The most natural way to make your skin glow with your breastfeeding. Breask Milk Mask Receipe - NursElet

As we know there’re so many benefits of breastfeeding however have you ever wondered about making face mask from your breast milk in 2 minutes? 

The most natural way to make your skin glow! Yes, no chemicals and no preservatives.

NursElet Breastfeeding!

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Did you know? Breastfeeding Fact - NursElet

Rupal Asodaria

Did you know? Breastfeeding Fact - NursElet

Childbirth is the number one reason for hospitalization in the US and California.

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What to say to a breastfeeding shamer

Rupal Asodaria

What to say to a breastfeeding shamer

A mom has important things to worry which is her baby’s health, comfort, & needs. If her baby is hungry and needs to eat, a mom’s first thought shouldn’t have to be what everyone else thinks. Here are what a breastfeeding mom should say to a breastfeeding shamer; •I'm sorry, there isn't enough for you too! •I have a second one, if you're thirsty too. •If you are offended by me doing this, then you are looking too closely. •There are weirdos out there, yes. There are strange people with all kinds of fetishes that I’m not going to bother...

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