LMP: Last Menstrual Period
EDC / EDD: Estimated Date of Confinement or Delivery – Your Due Date
BP: Blood Pressure
HT: Hypertension
CBC: Complete Blood Count (which measures your hemoglobin, red and white cell counts, and appearance of your blood platelets)
Hb / Hgb: Hemoglobin
STS test: Test for Syphilis
Albumin: One of the proteins found in a urine sample
Section: Caesarean Section
hCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - the hormone manufactured by the embryo and measured in pregnancy tests
FH: Fetal Heart
Head engaged: Baby’s head has dropped into the bony pelvis, ready for birth
Head floating: Baby’s head is not yet engaged
Vertex: Baby is head-down
Breech: Baby is bottom-down
Lie: The relationship of the baby’s spine to your spine
High-risk: Any pregnancy complicated by problems found in your medical history or occurring during your pregnancy
Height of Fundus: The height of the top of the uterus, measured with a tape measure or clippers in centimeters, above the bony pelvis
Primigravida: Your first pregnancy
Multigravida: Second or later pregnancy
Femur Length: A measurement of the baby’s “thigh bone”; helps estimate fetal growth
Would you like to add any terms that your doctor may have used or know. Feel free to comment below.