SIX Postpartum Essentials For New Mom

Rupal Asodaria

What does nursing mama need in first few days after delivering baby?

Well, you need lot of love and care in first few days after delivery baby however let’s talk about essentials you need at that very moment for your baby and your new postpartum body.


  1. Mesh panty (disposable underwear)
  2. Ice pack. Lots of. To heal sensitive area.
  3. Peri rinse bottle. A peri rinse bottle is bathroom essential for first few days. Frida Bottles are great.
  4. NursElet – Nursing Bracelet to hold your shirt up during breastfeeding. Don’t you wanna hold your baby during breastfeeding rather than holding your falling shirt on your baby. Plus why stress on which side to feed next time, wear NursElet Nursing Bracelet as your reminder bracelet.
  5. Medela Breast Pump. You may want to go out for a while and you need to think about baby’s food at least for first six months. Medela Manual Breast Pump comes so handy. Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump or Lactivina Breast Pump can make your life easy.
  6. Boppy pillow. This is very popular for nursing mothers. 

As we mentioned along with lots of love and care, above essentials will truly help you when you need most.

Happy recovery.

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